Monday 23 November 2009

Shoes & Truths

Well guys and gals, what can I say?
I had quite a week of it last week, what with one thing and another.
By the time my husband came back from Australia I had decided once and for all that I was going to leave him.
There is only so much phyiscal and mental abuse that one person can put up with. I finally reached my level, and decided that enough was enough.
I want to be happy in life, is that so much to ask?
New York was where I have been at my happiest, so that is where I was going to go. I spoke to 'C', yes you read that right, and he said that I could stay with him until I got sorted. That was all I needed to hear, so I booked my one way flight.
The strange thing was, Noah didn't put up a fight like I thought he would. After all the grief he put me through, I was surprised but how easily he let me go. I have my suspicions he is plotting something, but I am not sure what.
He had bought me back a present from Australia, and insisted that I take it with me and open it when I got to New York. He had bought me some pink suede Lolo69 Christian Louboutins. They have to be the most stunning pair of shoes I have ever seen.
I have to confess, Noah is the one that has bought me my whole collection of Christian Louboutins. When I first met him, he bought me a pair. And throughout our time together he has bought me more pairs. I have bought some Jimmy Choo's for myself, and even a pair of Prada shoes, but never Christian Louboutins. It's almost as if they were mine and Noah's "thing".
I was surprised by the gift. He hasn't given me one in a while. But I suppose when you go on trips you buy presents for each other. But maybe he had an inkling of what I was planning on doing, and bought the shoes on purpose? Kind of like "this'll be what your missing" type thing? Or maybe he bought them because he saw them and knew I'd love them?

I don't know. I can't put anything past Noah.
So, I arrived in New York very late on Saturday. I went straight to 'C's house. I filled him in on the last few months of my life, and he told me it was great to see me again. You can imagine that practically melted me inside. For those of you who don't know, 'C' is 'The One'. Just sitting there and talking to him made me feel the happiest I have been in a long time.
Since then I have been looking for an apartment for myself. I have an idea of what I want, and I have a price range. This week is all about looking for somewhere to live. I am hoping I will be able to be in somewhere before Christmas. I know that is not a lot of time, but all my dealings in real estate have ran pretty smoothly. Perhaps that's because I know someone who has been able to "hurry things along".
I feel so much better and happier, but not completely off the hook. I am waiting for Noah's next move. He will bide his time, he'll surprise me when I least expect it.. But I just know he is going to do something. I just know. Just as he knows me inside out, I know him pretty damn well too. I know that he has to have the last word on everything.
I have been speaking to my Croatian BF Cora, and she said she will keep an eye on Noah and his partner in crime JN.
Meanwhile in New York I have to re-establish myself. The last time I was here I had C, E, DJ, Kate & Ste. This time round I have just C. And of course time has moved on since we were together. As a matter of fact, it has been over a year since we had our proper "thing". There were other "things" since then, but the "real thing" was a year ago.
I have lots to figure out too. So I am expecting a busy few weeks.
I will try and keep you up to date, but who knows when I'll write again?